
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Seasons & Cycles of Life with Carrie Farmer
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Carrie Farmer is an Intuition Encouragement Coach assisting sensitive heroes on their journey to recognize every challenge faced as an invitation to allow the beauty of delicacy and grace from the heart to answer the world’s pain and suffering.
Understanding the S/HERO (pronounced “SHE-row”) journey is her passion. It is the path of empathic and compassionate heart-centered souls; sensitive souls/spirits who often feel lost in the world of egos, but they are another type of misunderstood Hero. Historically it is SHeroes who transform experiences of pain and suffering into unity and conscious awareness; assuring humanity that LOVE is the answer to finding our ties that bind, and leading us to a sense of peace, harmony, security, and true courage empowering strengths
To learn more about the S/HERO Self Confidence Connections group, visit: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sheroselfconfidenceconnections
Website: https://CarrieFarmerConnections.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cfconnections/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CarrieFarmerConnections
Happiness and Balance Self-Assessment Quiz: https://carriefarmerconnections.com/TheHoldBack
Women Beyond a Certain Age is an award-winning weekly podcast with Denise Vivaldo. She brings her own lively, humorous, and experienced viewpoint to the topics she discusses with her guests. The podcast covers wide-ranging subjects of importance to older women.
Website: https://womenbeyond.podbean.com
Join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WomenBeyond/
Follow our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/WomenBeyond/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/womenbeyondacertainage/
Episode archive: https://womenbeyond.podbean.com
Email us: WomenBeyond@icloud.com
Denise Vivaldo is the host of WBACA. Her info lives here: https://denisevivaldogroup.com/
More of Denise’s info is here: https://denisevivaldo.com
Cindie Flannigan is the producer WBACA. Her info lives here: https://linktr.ee/cindieflannigan
Denise and Cindie’s books: https://www.amazon.com/Denise-Vivaldo/e/B001K8QNRA%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share

Sunday Feb 20, 2022
The Circuitous Road to Restaurant Ownership with Michele Jones
Sunday Feb 20, 2022
Sunday Feb 20, 2022
Michele Jones is with us this week to talk about how she got into the hospitality industry, how she developed great work ethic early on, and how she thrives managing chaos.
Michele is all about great people, great food, and great community. As former co-owner of Comfort, Pasture, and Bingo she learned a lot about the restaurant business and about the wonderful people in the small business community. Michele is a community mover and shaker who loves to give back and delight others. Michele is a doer who loves the people who surround her. Now with Alley/Jones Hospitality she and her partner, Jason Alley, are helping others make their restaurant and retail dreams a reality. When not working or volunteering with children’s charities or Habitat for Humanity she’s traveling to Dollywood with her best friend and her best friend’s son, hanging out with the best little dog in the world or checking out the many fun places in her hometown of Richmond, Virginia. Michele has a knack for making everyone feel special, welcomed and that they have a place in the world. She was once Diane Sawyer’s person of the week – though she’ll wholeheartedly avoid talking about the press she’s received for doing good things in Richmond and beyond. She loves to travel and find small treasures to surprise others and make them feel happy. All these are probably the reasons why she loves that quote attributed to Vince Lombardi: “The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have.”Find out more about Michele on her website: https://alleyjones.com
Women Beyond a Certain Age is an award-winning weekly podcast with Denise Vivaldo. She brings her own lively, humorous, and experienced viewpoint to the topics she discusses with her guests. The podcast covers wide-ranging subjects of importance to older women.
Website: https://womenbeyond.podbean.com
Join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WomenBeyond/
Follow our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/WomenBeyond/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/womenbeyondacertainage/
Episode archive: https://womenbeyond.podbean.com
Email us: WomenBeyond@icloud.com
Denise Vivaldo is the host of WBACA. Her info lives here: https://denisevivaldogroup.com/
More of Denise’s info is here: https://denisevivaldo.com
Cindie Flannigan is the producer WBACA. Her info lives here: https://linktr.ee/cindieflannigan
Denise and Cindie’s books: https://www.amazon.com/Denise-Vivaldo/e/B001K8QNRA%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share

Sunday Feb 13, 2022
Super Bowl Interlude
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
We're taking the week off! Local personality and voiceover mega-talent John Matthew steps in to play Cindie's distant acquaintance. Hear more of John's work at https://johnmatthew.com
Women Beyond a Certain Age is an award-winning weekly podcast with Denise Vivaldo. She brings her own lively, humorous, and experienced viewpoint to the topics she discusses with her guests. The podcast covers wide-ranging subjects of importance to older women.
Website: https://womenbeyond.podbean.com
Join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WomenBeyond/
Follow our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/WomenBeyond/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/womenbeyondacertainage/
Episode archive: https://womenbeyond.podbean.com
Email us: WomenBeyond@icloud.com
Denise Vivaldo is the host of WBACA. Her info lives here: https://denisevivaldogroup.com/
More of Denise’s info is here: https://denisevivaldo.com
Cindie Flannigan is the producer WBACA. Her info lives here: https://linktr.ee/cindieflannigan
Denise and Cindie’s books: https://www.amazon.com/Denise-Vivaldo/e/B001K8QNRA%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share

Sunday Feb 06, 2022
Pat Greenberg and Our Gut Microbiomes
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
This week we’re talking gut stuff with Pat Greenberg! Pat’s provided us with some thought-provoking notes (included below after the links).
Listen to Pat’s show: https://www.kabc.com/eat-well-live-well-age-well/
Email Pat a question: thefitnessgourmet@mac.com
Website: https://www.thefitnessgourmet.com
Buy Pat’s book: https://www.amazon.com/Patricia-Greenberg/e/B001IR1E2W?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1&qid=1579117414&sr=8-1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thefitnessgourmet
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fitnessgourmet
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patgreenbergthefitnessgourmet/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thefitnessgourmet/?hl=en
In my day-to-day work as a nutrition and fitness professional, I am constantly monitoring the bombardment of food and nutrition media hype that seems to come at us every day. (If any of these fads really worked, we would all be in perfect shape.) What is emerging as a focus of nutrition research is the study of food and our brain health, and the relationship with our microbiome.Gut health and brain health are intertwined. Can eating blueberries and doing crosswords stave off dementia? We are not sure, but it certainly can’t hurt. You know that "gut feeling" you get when something is wrong? GI distress when life isn't going well? Total brain fog when you are hungry, angry, or lonely? These are perfect examples of how that tummy signals the brain as a call to action.
The brain is fed by the gut and how well nutrients are absorbed by the GI tract play a role in cognition. Your individual GI tract has its own unique microbiome made of billions of living microbes also referred to as intestinal flora, that influence your digestion, immune system, mood, cognitive function, metabolic rate, and even the way you age. The composition of each person’s microbiome depends on diet, stress level, environment, age, and other factors. If you’re feeling creeped out, don’t be! Your microbiome is extremely important. Here are 5 things you should know about it.Your microbiome helps you digest foodDigestion, enzymes that help us digest healthy sugars, and they are also responsible for providing us with B vitamins, vitamin K, and short chain fatty acids. Thus, they are responsible for helping influence the nutritional value of the food we eat. Your microbiome helps boost your immune systemThere’s a lot of interaction between your immune system and the bacteria in your gut, your microbiota mediates the relationship. Meaning, it teaches your immune system which invaders are friends or foes. This helps keep your body from attacking friendly gut bacteria needed for digestion. These microbes also stimulate tissue around the gut to increase production of antibodies when needed. Your microbiome influences your mental healthThe brain and the gut are connected via the vagus nerve, enteric nervous system, and the gut-brain axis. Your gut microbiota interacts with your central nervous system to regulate brain chemistry. That’s right, your gut bacteria can affect your response to stress, anxiety, and even your memory. Research has shown that gut bacteria influences serotonin and dopamine production. Serotonin doesn’t just make you feel happy, it aids in digestion as well. In fact, 90% of your body’s serotonin can be found in your gut. Your microbiome promotes healthy skinOur skin is covered in a biofilm of microbes that form a protective layer over us. These microbes protect us from bacterial and fungal invasion. They also convert skin oils into natural moisturizers that keep our skin healthy.Your microbiome protects you from toxins Gut bacteria is responsible for keeping toxins from passing through the intestinal wall and into your bloodstream. Microbiota is also responsible for:
Controlling metabolism and nutrient storage
Decreasing inflammation
Producing antimicrobials
Maintaining tissue integrity
Controlling blood pressure
Eat a Variety of Nutritious Foods from All Food Groups to keep you gut microbiome strong.Pay attention to the food that you consume each day. Nutrient-rich foods have vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other nutrients but are lower in calories. To get the nutrients you need, the staples in your diet should be primarily vegetables fruits, eating a variety of brightly colored produce. The richer the color, the higher the levels of phytonutrients. The color pigment is where the nutritional value lies. Green leaves, yellow, orange, and red vegetables and fruits, bean varieties, and citrus fruits are all great sources with a high nutritional value that you can consume every day.Unrefined whole-grain foods contain fiber, and that can help lower your blood cholesterol and help you feel full, which may help you manage your weight. Beans are a great source of both fiber and protein as a standalone, or in the absence of meat. Eating large amounts of high-fat foods adds excess calories, which can lead to weight gain and obesity. Emphasize fats from healthier sources, such as eggs, low fat cheeses, vegetable oils, nuts, olives, and dairy products.Eat fish at least twice a week. Recent research shows that eating oily fish containing omega-3 fatty acids may help lower your risk of death from coronary artery disease. Examples of oily fish include salmon, trout, tuna, swordfish, mackerel, herring, sardines, and anchovies.If you drink alcohol, drink in moderation. That means one drink per day, preferably when you are in for the night, so you stay safe. Last, but not least, hydrate!Having said all that, let talk about the practicality of eating well. No fast food, no junk food, no sodas or sugary drinks, no fried food, and no processed food. As noted, this will get us 90% of the way there. Many also suggest limiting or eliminating “white” foods, such as white sugar, white rice, white flour, and all their associated products.
There comes a point in our lives that we want to enjoy, we spent so many years dieting and stressed about how we eat, now what? Here is what I say to everyone:
Love every moment of your life!
When you eat, savor every bite, even if you are on a restricted diet due to medical issues, mindful eating enhances every meal a hundred-fold.
Chew your food very slowly.
Sip your wine, don't gulp.
Make hydration a part of every meal and all your activities during the day.
These habits will make life more pleasurable, keep your body and mind calm, and will repair and restore the gut microbiome because we are not approaching eating with angst!!Ask yourself these questions (it’s not a test, just things to ponder):
What does “Healthy Eating” mean to you?
How closely do you adhere to what you think of as a “healthy eating” plan?
Have you started to cut back on sugar, flour, fried foods, processed food, sugary drinks?
What would help you to do so?
Do you understand the importance of the various nutrients in food?
Do you take vitamin and mineral supplements?
Have you started tracking your food? Whatever system you use, are you consistent, and honest, in tracking everything you eat?
Do you prepare most of your meals at home?
Do you read labels and menus carefully when eating out?
What techniques have you used to resist foods you know are bad for you when they’re pushed on you by well-meaning family and friends or if you’re at an event?
Have you tried group programs like Weight Watchers or Overeaters Anonymous? Do you benefit from the group support?
Have you begun to increase your cardiovascular activity to burn more calories? What about doing weight training to raise your metabolic rate, so you continue to burn calories even at rest?
Women Beyond a Certain Age is an award-winning weekly podcast with Denise Vivaldo. She brings her own lively, humorous, and experienced viewpoint to the topics she discusses with her guests. The podcast covers wide-ranging subjects of importance to older women.
Website: https://womenbeyond.podbean.com
Join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WomenBeyond/
Follow our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/WomenBeyond/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/womenbeyondacertainage/
Episode archive: https://womenbeyond.podbean.com
Email us: WomenBeyond@icloud.com
Denise Vivaldo is the host of WBACA. Her info lives here: https://denisevivaldogroup.com/
More of Denise’s info is here: https://denisevivaldo.com
Cindie Flannigan is the producer WBACA. Her info lives here: https://linktr.ee/cindieflannigan
Denise and Cindie’s books: https://www.amazon.com/Denise-Vivaldo/e/B001K8QNRA%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share

Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Fearless Writing with Crescent Dragonwagon
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Crescent Dragonwagon is back with us for another episode and this time she’s “as fine as frog’s hair.” We talk fearless writing, left brained planning for right brained people, and teaching without the emergency brakes on. Fearless Writing is Crescent’s flagship 12-part writing and creativity program. It teaches participants how to work with and overcome the inherent anxiety that surfaces for most creators when they sit down and try to bring into form the delectable ideas about which they’ve been cogitating, dreaming, and “mentally writing.” (There’s not such thing as “mentally writing” – the word for that process is “thinking.”)
Crescent has a special offer on her Self-Compassion 101 class for our listeners here: https://dragonwagon.com/women-beyond-age/
Website: https://dragonwagon.com
Self-Compassion 101 introduction video: https://fb.watch/aBHT81nmdF/
Books: https://www.amazon.com/kindle-dbs/entity/author/B000APJCO0
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/crescent.dragonwagon
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cdragonwagon
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cdragonwagon/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/crescent-dragonwagon-0565b47/
Women Beyond a Certain Age is an award-winning weekly podcast with Denise Vivaldo. She brings her own lively, humorous, and experienced viewpoint to the topics she discusses with her guests. The podcast covers wide-ranging subjects of importance to older women.
Website: https://womenbeyond.podbean.com
Join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WomenBeyond/
Follow our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/WomenBeyond/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/womenbeyondacertainage/
Episode archive: https://womenbeyond.podbean.com
Email us: WomenBeyond@icloud.com
Denise Vivaldo is the host of WBACA. Her info lives here: https://denisevivaldogroup.com/
More of Denise’s info is here: https://denisevivaldo.com
Cindie Flannigan is the producer WBACA. Her info lives here: https://linktr.ee/cindieflannigan
Denise and Cindie’s books: https://www.amazon.com/Denise-Vivaldo/e/B001K8QNRA%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share

Sunday Jan 02, 2022
Turning a Morbid Obsession into a Profession
Sunday Jan 02, 2022
Sunday Jan 02, 2022
Our guest this week is financial advisor Michelle Arpin Begina. She’s used money lessons from her own life to rethink how advisors and their clients have traditionally worked together. Rather than thinking of her role as a gatekeeper of portfolios, she sees real value in being a gateway to clients’ personal financial freedom. What differentiates Michelle from other financial advisors is that she has spent the last two-plus decades studying the unconventional, non-financial aspects of life satisfaction, financial therapy (it’s a thing), behavioral bias, choice, and decision advising. She believes we all need to examine the money stories, scripts, and lessons that affect our financial psychology so that we can rethink what we know about money to have more of it.
Website: https://michelleab.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/michelle.arpinbegina
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michellearpinbeginacfp/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/michellearpinbegina/
Women Beyond a Certain Age is an award-winning weekly podcast with Denise Vivaldo. She brings her own lively, humorous, and experienced viewpoint to the topics she discusses with her guests. The podcast covers wide-ranging subjects of importance to older women.
Website: https://womenbeyond.podbean.com
Join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WomenBeyond/
Follow our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/WomenBeyond/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/womenbeyondacertainage/
Episode archive: https://womenbeyond.podbean.com
Email us: WomenBeyond@icloud.com
Denise Vivaldo is the host of WBACA. Her info lives here: https://denisevivaldogroup.com/
More of Denise’s info is here: https://denisevivaldo.com
Cindie Flannigan is the producer WBACA. Her info lives here: https://linktr.ee/cindieflannigan
Denise and Cindie’s books: https://www.amazon.com/Denise-Vivaldo/e/B001K8QNRA%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share

Sunday Dec 19, 2021
Denise on Tony Bourdain and Eric Ripert
Sunday Dec 19, 2021
Sunday Dec 19, 2021
After reading Laurie Woolever’s book, Bourdain: The Definitive Oral Biography, Denise is moved to read one of her own Tony B. stories. She also reads an Eric Ripert story and a few pages from Laurie’s book. Cindie even pops up at the end!
Get the book: https://www.amazon.com/Bourdain-The-Definitive-Oral-Biography/dp/B08TN1C7X3/ref=sr_1_12
Women Beyond a Certain Age is an award-winning weekly podcast with Denise Vivaldo. She brings her own lively, humorous, and experienced viewpoint to the topics she discusses with her guests. The podcast covers wide-ranging subjects of importance to older women.
Website: https://womenbeyond.podbean.com
Join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WomenBeyond/
Follow our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/WomenBeyond/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/womenbeyondacertainage/
Episode archive: https://womenbeyond.podbean.com
Email us: WomenBeyond@icloud.com
Denise Vivaldo is the host of WBACA. Her info lives here: https://denisevivaldogroup.com/
More of Denise’s info is here: https://denisevivaldo.com
Cindie Flannigan is the producer WBACA. Her info lives here: https://linktr.ee/cindieflannigan
Denise and Cindie’s books: https://www.amazon.com/Denise-Vivaldo/e/B001K8QNRA%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share

Saturday Dec 11, 2021
50 Questions to Ask Yourself with Kwavi
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
The author of 50 Questions to Ask When You Reach 50, Kwavi, is with us this week! Her life is dedicated to helping women in their 50s and beyond to live their lives on their own terms with zero apologies. We love that! Kwavi’s class, 3 Steps to Live Your Best Life on Your Own Terms, is free!
Website: www.kwavi.com
Book: https://bit.ly/50Questions_book
Retreats: https://www.kwavi.tv/retreat_special
Instagram: @kwavi_tvTikTok: @kwavi_tvYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/kwavitvFree Class--3 Steps to Live Your Best Life on Your Own Terms: https://www.kwavi.tv/masterclass-podcast
Women Beyond a Certain Age is an award-winning weekly podcast with Denise Vivaldo. She brings her own lively, humorous, and experienced viewpoint to the topics she discusses with her guests. The podcast covers wide-ranging subjects of importance to older women.
Website: https://womenbeyond.podbean.com
Join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WomenBeyond/
Follow our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/WomenBeyond/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/womenbeyondacertainage/
Episode archive: https://womenbeyond.podbean.com
Email us: WomenBeyond@icloud.com
Denise Vivaldo is the host of WBACA. Her info lives here: https://denisevivaldogroup.com/
More of Denise’s info is here: https://denisevivaldo.com
Cindie Flannigan is the producer WBACA. Her info lives here: https://linktr.ee/cindieflannigan
Denise and Cindie’s books: https://www.amazon.com/Denise-Vivaldo/e/B001K8QNRA%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share

Women Beyond A Certain Age
Women Beyond a Certain Age is an award-winning weekly podcast with Denise Vivaldo. She brings her own lively, humorous, and experienced viewpoint to the topics she discusses with her guests. The podcast covers wide-ranging subjects of importance to older women.